Friday, August 24, 2012

NPE #10 - Demon Dogs and the Muse

 August 24, 2012
"Demon Dogs and the Muse"

I felt myself spontaneously rolling around in darkness. Lucidity was triggered and I focused on my hands to bring about a dream scene, which quickly materialized as an imperfect copy of my room.
At first I was having trouble maintaining the integrity of the dream. I was alternating my focus between my hands and the dream environment in an attempt to focus myself and stabilize the experience. 

Eventually, I had much more control and walked down the stairs in my house. I continued to alternate my perception between my hands and the other aspects of the dream to prolong and stabilize the experience.
I found myself on the front lawn of my house where I was greeted by three threatening demon-dogs. They looked like a mix between a Rottweiler and a zombie - like something from Resident Evil.  They begin to encircle me and jump up at me, barking viciously. I noticed when I got a surge of fear, it would feed into them and make them more active in jumping. 

I began to repeat a personal mantra which acts for me as a tool of focused intent. I also held out my hand to direct the healing energy to the demon-dogs. An amazing transformation occurred:

Two of the dogs simply melted away to the floor. The third becomes tied down vertically on a telephone pole. It is hard to explain. Spikes were coming out of the telephone pole and it looked painful. I directed more intent to this situation and more transformation occurred – The dog became a beautiful muse of a woman who got off of the telephone pole. I perceived her as Natalie Portman and we walked down the block.

The transformation was not limited to the creatures. The very substrate of the dream itself took on new qualities. As I repeated the mantra, I saw ripples running through the dream environment, reminiscent of Neo taking off from the ground in the Matrix movies. A fire began to rage in the dream as several trees in the distance spontaneously set fire.  I looked at water in the street and simply marveling at its beauty. I splashed my hands in the water and thought to myself, “This is simply amazing.” I thought the memory of the experience will fail to do justice to its current splendor, in the moment I was presently experiencing it.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

NPE #9 - Inner Fireworks

This experience took twenty minutes to record on my voice recorder and took up about three pages in my dream journal. Here I will only post a few of the more telling sections. This update is long overdue, and in the future I will try to keep up better at adding experiences. The last few months have been relatively quiet as far as NPEs go - only having maybe four over the past six months. Hopefully the next few months will be more fruitful!

August 5, 2012
"Inner Fireworks"

I’m with Dad on the front lawn. I felt like it may really be Dad having an OBE, because his intention seemed to have some bearing on the environment. I was attempting to get it to turn into day, but my intent, in the form of verbal commands, was not being for-filled. I told him that if we both intended it to be day, then it may change to daytime, and it did!

At another point I was marveling at the unearthly beauty of the stars in the night sky. They were much more vibrant than anytime I remembered on Earth. I saw clusters of four or five in a row with amazing clarity. I had turned to the West and saw this nebula of light and color, symbols and imagery. At this point the human language fails at expressing the experience – it was hyper-dimensional in nature. Imagine the visual above but with added dimensions. It reminded me of experiences people have recorded under the influence of DMT, where they experience this hyper-dimensional carnival or circus. At one point this large balloon-clown popped out of the scene. I just stood and marveled for a few minutes at the swirling imagery. 

This scene ignited a joyous emotion in me which was much more apparent than in waking reality – I saw how it was a previously missing yet integral component of the lucid dream. Simultaneous with the emotional burst came a brilliant display of fireworks surrounding this open-sided dojo type building. I got this sense of intuition that it would be nice to live in a building like that someday, and that an important part of life is creating something in physical reality which brings this sense of positive emotion. I thought how an architect would derive much joy from creating the strange, elegant building.

Next, I found myself on this cement dock, probably 75 feet in the air. I was with a bunch of friends and some of us were boarding this huge boat, almost like a mini cruise ship. As the boat began to pull away, Danielle and I got caught kind of in-between. I stood behind her so she wouldn’t fall in the gap to the water below. I was very calm because I knew I could just fly out or save someone if they had fallen.

At the very end of the dream, after the large ferry had set sail, I found myself at the dock area with this dream figure. He seemed to be a dockworker and his task was to flip over all of these large metal planks and containers. I said to the dream, “I wish for this man’s work to be done according to his desire.” Instantaneously, about half of the planks and containers had flipped to the correct side and all of these cinder-blocks were laid out on the floor. I asked the man why he didn’t desire his work to be completed and he replied, “If I do it all now then I will have to do another open house on the boat.” I thought this was humorous and I told him to “Ask for Andrew” if he needs anymore help. He mentioned to me that he has worked with a “Lex Cucolo,” insinuating it was someone I would know. It seemed the dream character had his own desires and volition, enough to spread out his work so he didn’t have to do more! Perhaps a representation of a part of myself, or maybe an own reality of his own.