Friday, September 28, 2012

NPE #11 - Inner Cereal Self and a quick stop in Turnup Town

September 28, 2012
I used the Wake-Back-To-Bed method I describe in under Methodology to induce these experiences. I had approximately seven false awakenings where I subsequently gained lucidity. Noticing a second or unfamiliar alarm clock (reality fluctuation) brought about the lucidity.

"Inner Self"
I became lucid on the back deck. A SUV pulled up my driveway. I quickly walked up to it to notice it had no driver, but the passenger walked out – without me being able to see his or her face. I discerned her to be a woman and I followed behind her as she walked down the driveway, and then back up my neighbors lawn. I wanted to speak with her so I quickly flew up to her and posed the question, “What do you represent?” [This is a common question I ask "dream characters"]

The reply was unexpected. In a feminine, almost English-accented voice, I heard “Your Inner Self.” I now appear to be speaking to a porcelain bowl, filled with some substance – I perceived it as Raisin Bran cereal. I was dumbfounded for a few moments, unsure what to ask. I quickly blurted out, “How do I conquer my fears?” No reply. I asked a few variants of this question, with no more replies. Within a few moments I started to eat the cereal! [Unsure what to make of this symbol]

"Trip to Vege-Planet"
  I  became lucid and quickly flew out my bathroom window. [This time I looked at an object, and then turned away, looked back to see if it changed – this brought lucidity to me on a few occasions.] I flew at tremendous speed through the air, through trees and houses, until I was in the upper atmosphere, peering at a a beautiful sun rising over a wall of clouds. The feeling and thrill of flying through the air is remarkable every single time. [I had been using verbal affirmations to help control my flying direction and velocity, i.e., "I will fly 10x faster"] 

I decided to spin in a circle, blurring the dream, as I repeated “When I stop spinning I want to be on another inhabited planet with friendly creatures.”  I went through the motions and the scene changed to a planet – It didn’t look to dissimilar to Earth. It had square building separated by larger patches of what appeared to be farms. There were these tall looking humanoids who appeared all grey in color, with these triangular mouths(?) protruding from their faces. They seemed to be working the land.

I flew by a set of smaller creatures who took a keener interest in me. They were much smaller and reminded me of vegetation – like talking turnips – although they varied in how they looked. They were very friendly and joked with me, one time making fun of how I looked but then quickly making sure I knew they were kidding. I tried to say one or two things, but my crew of a dozen or so vegetables were very talkative and I couldn’t get a word in! These creatures seemed to know I wasn't from around here, and they marveled at me.

[I noticed I seemed more playful in this OBE – at one point I slapped by butt a few times as I past one of the larger, farming creatures – I thought this was funny that they might think this was a common Earth greeting]